


finding out people dont usually add numbers by first adding something to make a ten (for example 7+6= 7 plus 3 is 10 plus another 3 is 13) & that its actually an adhd thing is the WILDEST shit literally ive lived like 10 years (or however old i was when i learned to add and stuff) thinking thats how everyone does it. what the fuck


It’s also an autism thing, apparently.




real cute that the nsfw ban is going into effect on dec 17, the international day to end violence against sex workers, potentially endangering even more sex workers

Yes, well, ever step we take to reduce the impact this ideal of absolute tolerance of sexuality could endanger sex workers along the way, but ultimately, it will be worth it in the end.

oh, so it’s christian now to decide that us whores are disposable, unfortunate-but-necessary victims for your dreamt-of pure virgin utopia?

how about you go pray about that. ask your God how He thinks of your supposed grace. what Christ might say of you. remember mary magdalene? remember matthew 21:31? Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.

go take your false religion and choke on it



Hi everybody.

Quick update on the status of WarriorMale.

Right now I’m attempting to back up this enormous blog.

I would hate to see it deleted after 4 years and 60,000 posts.

I feel like I’m on the Titanic and we just hit the iceberg. Instead of going down with the ship I’m trying to save WarriorMale.

I’ll let all of you know if he made it into the lifeboat!
